今天早上当正在犹豫要不要去找你时,我开了你的fb 户口。可是已经开不到了,我还以为是为了让她死心而换密码。难得,我开心了,你愿意和她分手,回到我身边。结果,下午又有人帮你更新status, 那个人就是她。原来密码是为了不让我开你fb户口而换的? 我才是你想放开的人? 我再次地乱想了,你曾经说过不管怎样都不会放开我,可是我很怕。也许对你来说,她更新status不算什么,可是对我来说,可以有你fb密码的人,她一定是你爱的人。我多么希望现在的你可以陪陪我,安慰我。我信息你,可是你都没回复。难道要我放弃了? 如果是,请让我知道。 我不会赖着不走。
I thought u have changed your fb password because you want break clearly with tht girl, but unfortunately, she still can hack into your account and update new status. For you, maybe it was nothing. But for me, if there is a people who can on or hack into your account, tht people meant everything to you. At this moment, I feel blur and sad. I feel scare again at the same time, I know, u promise me before, you wont leave me. But you change you fb password izzit becuz want let me knw tht she is ur choice? If she was your choice, I willing to leave.
Actually what I want is very easy. I just hope you will break clearly with her and always beside me. Just wait me three years, if u willing to wait for me, and I feel im being protected by you again, I will put my trust on you again automatically. If can, I hope you can wait me. I'm trying to make myself into a better girl. If there is a days u have an answer in your mind, please tell me. I will leave if I'm ain't your answer.