Appreciate.. A word which everyone know to to write or even pronounce. It was a common word which everyone will know it's meaning. But, how many of us will really appreciate something or someone we use to have. We never thank to god for what we have or sometime we even blaming the god due to the unfairness. Yes, we always heard people advise us tht, learn to appreciate before it was too late. But how many people will really give a thought of it. Some people not even care about it and wont show a little appreciation to people who always beside h im/her. It is because they know, the people which always stay beside him/her wont leave them. People, dun always take thing for granted. Please learn to appreciate before you lost something or someone that you use to have. Life will never give you second chance to correct all those mistakes, so don't make yourself regret. Learn to APPRECIATE before it was too late! Especially to someone who love you and never want to leave you.
珍惜。。。是一个再普通不过的字眼,每个人也许对这字的意思不感到陌生。可是,真正了解这字的意思并学着去珍惜的却没有几个。有些人不懂地感恩,把上天对他/她的好是理所当然的, 有的甚至得到了还不懂的满足,成天只会埋怨上天不公平的对待。虽然会听见身边不少人对我们说, 在一切都还来得及之前,快学会如何去珍惜。可是又有多少个傻子听明白了?有些人对身边每个为他/她的付出都当着是应该的,甚至连一点点的感恩之心都没有。因为他们总认为,身边的那个他/她的付出是因该的。自私自利的人啊, 请不要把别人的付出都当着理所当然。 在这世界上,没有谁是应该为谁付出的。如果可以,要永远记得珍惜并怀着一顆感恩之心去对待身边每个对你好的人。每个人只有一次活在世上的机会,千万不要等到太迟了才明白珍惜这两个字。所以说自私的人啊,赶快学会珍惜吧!尤其是对那些爱你又不会丢下你一个的人。
Friday, 2 August 2013
Appreciate before it is too late
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