Thursday, 1 August 2013

I need you ◆◇◆

I'm sick today . I have eat medicine, I feel sleepy becuz of tht medicine, but I trying to force myself to sleep late, because I dunno u will find me and chat or not. I keep waiting and waiting, now already going to be 1 in the morning, but I keep make myself to stay awake, even I know, tonight you might not find me. Because i dunno who am I to u? Am I so important to make you find me every night? Maybe, I'm just a friend, a normal friend for u. I got no right to find you every night. But I dunno why, I just want to wait. Even I know, you already got her, maybe now u are dating with her, maybe now u are chatting wit her, maybe now you are accompany-ing her. But I still wait you like a stupid girl here. If can, I really want to know, what u thinking right now. Are u missing me like what I did? Are you worrying me like what I did? Can you reply me? Can you?
我病了, 吃了药的我昏昏欲睡,眼睛就快就要盖下来了。可是,我不断的催眠自己,不断地告诉自己,我不累。对,我一点也不累!为什么我要这样虐待自己? 为什么不让自己好好休息? 原因很简单,我只想要和你聊天,哪怕只是说一句话,我也愿意等。其实,对你来说,我是谁? 我有那么重要吗?也许对你来说,我只是一个朋友,再普通不过的朋友。我也没有权利要你每天晚上陪我,因为我已经不再是你女朋友了,我已经不重要了。可是我还是想要等。可能吧,现在的你正在与她约会,与她开心地聊着天,在他身边陪着她。可是我还是像笨蛋一样的等。此时此刻的我很想知道,你到底在想什么?有没有想我一样,在这里不断地思念着你?有没有像我一样,在这里担心着你?你可以告诉我吗?可以吗?