Saturday, 3 August 2013

Life °•°

Finally, I have make a final decision. Certain people might think that  decision making is a simple task, but in real life it was so hard. It is because a good decision may bring you to a brighter future. I hope I have make a correct one because God will never give us second chance to re- think about the decision that we have make. So,  I wont allowed myself to fall down. This is the the decision that I have make, no matter what will happen, I will never give up easily. Yes, people might said I have change alot, i have become more independence. But don't ever forget there is always  some reason for me to do so.  Because of this all things which had happened I told myself to be more tough because I still have a long journey to go.The journey toward my future might be hard, but I will walk slowly and carefully. Walk alone even will be more better, because no one will  harm or hurt you.

今天,我终于做了最后的决定。我定下了接下去我应该走的路。其实每个人都觉得要决定一件事情并不难,可是在现实生活里,这一切刚好相反。 一个好的决定将会给你带来好的未来;反之,不好的决定将会影响你的一身。我只希望这将会是个对的选择,对的决定,因为上天公平地对待每一个人,他只给每个人一次的机会,会不会把握就靠自己了。他不会偏帮任何人,他也不会因为你后悔了,想要在从新决定或选择而给你另一个机会。所以我不会再让自己做错任何的错,也不会让自己跌倒。不管未来的路多么的困难,我还是会继续走下去,我不会怨任何人,因为这一切都是我自己的选择。可能从前认识我的人都会觉得我变了,可是请记得,每个人会去改变是有一定的原因的。我遇到的足以让我去学会成长。就算未来的路不好走,可是我还是会一个人把它走完。一个人走总比到后来再次被人伤害来的好。