Tuesday, 30 July 2013

I'm lost ¤

Im lost while im on the way to my future. I'm blur about what to study, I'm blur about where to go. I have lost someone who should stand beside me and always support me. I wish, tht SOMEONE will back one day and give his support to me. With his support, I surely can overcome it. God is the one who make me met wit him, so I hope, god will bring him back to me safely. I not a greedy peeson, I just want someone who will stand beside me forever and wont leave me no matter what happen. Is it a little bit over?
在追求梦想的路程, 我迷失了路,失去了方向感的我,好像一只没了桨的船, 在大海漂泊。飘着飘着, 慢慢地就累了。这一刻的我,忽然想放弃了。在迷茫大海中,希望可以有个依靠, 在我想放弃的时候给予支持。我不贪心,我要的也不多,我只希望有人可以带我走出迷宫, 牵着我的手,一起走到最后。不管发生什么事,都愿意留在我身边。这要求,很过分吗?