Thursday, 15 August 2013

Movie day

Went and watch The Conjuring yesterday, I did it, I finish the whole movie in cinema. I feel so suprise with myself, because, I know I'm not a brave girl,  I not even dare to watch any horror movie since I was small. But this time, I did it. I can't denied tht I'm scare when I was inside cinema, but I forcing myself to watch this movie. I want to let people know, im a brave girl, I dare to face anything by myself. But, after finish that movie, I still hope, he will sit beside me and give me a big hug while telling it all was just a movie. Yes, this is what he did to me last time when i feel scare after watching movie. But, he will do that to me again? I really hope he will do that to me again. I miss him! But he will still miss me?
昨天去看了鬼片, the conjuring,我做到了,我看完了整套戏。顿时的我觉得自己很厉害, 因为从以前到现在我就是一个胆小鬼,我从来都不看鬼片,因为我知道我看了会一直回想起那些故事。可是这次,我居然看了。当我在电影院的时候我很怕,可是我不断的逼自己,一定要把它看完,就算你不再我身边,我也要把它看完。我要身边的人都知道,我是一个勇敢的女生,我可以一个人去面对所有的事情。当看完了整套故事,我还是希望他会在我身边,紧紧地抱住我,并告诉我,安慰我说,一切都是假的。就好像以前我们一起去看电影,你看到我不停地被吓到,把我抱紧,然后不停地安慰我。我一直都希望他会再一次地在我身旁,陪伴我,安慰我。我很想念他。可是他会想念我吗?

What are u thinking right now?

I always wonder, what are you thinking right now. How good if I can read your mind. If I could read your mind, I will know, I should stay or should walk away from your life. I scare to do any decision, because leaving you is my final decision, I will never back to you. Even one day, you might find me back and tell me, you have regret. But, once I choose to give up on you, I will never back to you. If, you already have a plan to be together with other girl,  dun give me any hope. I hope, u wont lie to me again. I hardly believe in people, but once I choose to believe in you, I reallg meant it. So, pls, dun give me any fake hope and lie to me again if u dun have any plan to stay forever with me. Because I'm a stupid girl, I will still believe in you even I know, you might be lie to me again.